
Product Description

Lactose monohydrate is one of the most widely used excipients in the pharmaceutical industry. Because of its water solubility and acceptable flowability, lactose is generally added into tablet formulation to improve wettability and undesirable flowability. Based on Quality by Design, a better understanding of the critical material attributes (CMAs) of raw materials is beneficial in guiding the improvement of tablet quality and the development of lactose.

Additionally, the modifications and co-processing of lactose can introduce more-desirable characteristics to the resulting particles. This review focuses on the functionality, applications, modifications and co-processing of lactose in tablets.

Pharmaceutical-grade lactose we have in compliance with pharmacopoeia quality standards and is available in a variety of particle sizes and crystallinities to meet different formulation needs.


The general properties of lactose that contribute to its popularity as an excipient are its:

  • cost effectiveness;
  • availability;
  • bland taste;
  • low hygroscopicity;
  • compatibility with active ingredients and other excipients;
  • excellent physical and chemical stability; and
  • water solubility
  • Filler and Diluent in Solid Dosage Forms.
  • Filler and Carrier in Inhalation Products (Dry Powder Inhalers)
  • Infant Formula Nutrition Filler and Nutrient