Whey Protein Concentrate 80% Regular

Product Description

 80 Regular (Whey Protein Concentrate) is a highly used and very versatile product and is a freshly made whey concentrate that is produced through a membrane process containing 80% protein. This protein concentrate is the most commonly used form of protein next to isolates. It contains a very low level of fat and cholesterol (but still significant) and very high levels of bio-active compounds and carbohydrates from the lactose it contains.

  • A substitute for skim milk (WPC30) and egg whites (WPC80).
  • They improve the nutritional value of a product.
  • Water binding qualities, a good stabilizer along with high dissolubility in a wide range of pH conditions
  • It is used in frozen desserts, infant formula, chopped meat, sausages and surimi, salad dressing, sauces, soups, gravies, substitution dairy products and yogurt