Xylitol -Xivia™ C

Product Description

A naturally occurring sweetener with highest sweetening amongst the polyols, equal intensity and half the calories of sugar. practically odourless, with a very sweet, cool taste. XIVIA™ leaves no aftertaste and protects teeth from cavities.
Grade | Suitability |
XIVIA™ C | Crystalline form with the look and taste of sugar |
Xylitab® 100, 200, 300 |
Directly compressible for simple tablet manufacturing |
No endotoxins, hence use in Pharmaceuticals |
- A Low Glycaemic Ingredient
- Synergy with other sweeteners
- Highest sweetening of all polyols
- Equal intensity to sucrose (sugar)
- Intense “natural cooling effect”
- High negative heat of solution
- Enhance Flavours
- Bacteriostatic and bacterial growth “modulating” properties
- High Solubility
- Low water activity – high microbial stability
- Low to Moderate hygroscopicity
Confectionery |
OTC Medicines &
Pharmaceuticals |
Dental & Oral Hygiene |
Chewing Gum
Coatings Mints Lozenges Chewy Candy Hard Candy Gum Arabic Pastilles Gelatin Jellies Pectin Jellies Fondant |
Vitamin Tablets
Mineral Supplements Anti-acid Tablets Cough Syrups Teething Gels & Granules Antibiotic Syrups Pharmaceutical Tablets Infusions |
Mouthwash Dental Gum Breath Fresheners Fluoride Supplements Artificial Saliva |
Moisturizing Creams
Sun Block Bath Products Colour Cosmetics |